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as well as encouraging the Fish People from Europa to care about the planet Earth, plastic spacemen helped create an entire movement of artists and musicians that, although perhaps both more talented and more successful than the band themselves, at least tried to keep some of the spirit of the band alive. From their beginnings in early 1992 as “two barely competent musicians joining forces due to a mutual admiration of each others songwriting”, to their stunning heights as a cult-status folk-psychedelic-grindcore-prog-pop band running on love, angst, and incestuous groupie action, to their middles as wildy-ignored pop-rock sensations, to their spasming demise as prog-electro-pop space monkeys, plastic spacemen were all action. “One notable gig was actually set up by the band themselves, and later dubbed ‘Chickenstock - it took place in the car park of a half-built Red Rooster store in Flemington. Or did so until the police arrived.” Coming from such diverse bands as the original souls at zero and the obscure h2o, sharing three band members simultaneously with gLOBALmINDfUCK, and spawning such equally diverse bands as zanzibar cob, slopbox, phonophobic, cursed, and the day everything became nothing, there is no doubting that hystory would have been greatly different had there been no plastic spacemen; indeed, there may have been no hystory at all.
available material:
exhibit a All 'plastic spacemen' albums released through Uncool Records; for purchasing information, feel free to contact |