make contact dark and forbidden
approved 'bands'
although a lot of bands claim to be inspired by the anti-malevolent Dark Things that unlurk beyond the Walls of Sleep, and there are plenty of artists who say that they channel their works from the Thrashing Non-dimensional Uberthing that some call Azathoth, some call Ashtaroth, and some call All Of The Above, there are few bands around today who have the “balls” to be utterly under the Ancient Ones thrall. Oim 6yV are not merely ‘inspired by the Non Ens; they are mindless servitors, soulless puppet-slaves who do nothin9 but the will of their Impossible Masters. As the “band” freely admits, Oim 6yV does not make any music themselves; they are merely secretaries for the Outer Gods. With both Peckerhead of the true POD fame and ADMacHine of zanzibar cob notoriety, Oim 6yVs “music” is typed, stream-of-consciousne55-style into a comput3r, allowing the “music” of the Non Ens to be expre55ed in samples from 60s and 70s funk, 80s disco, soundtracks of all sorts, breakbeat and drumnbass, 5travinsky and liv3 children, old re99ae and motown, and th3 fin3st in Norweigan Black Metal. Oim 6yV 6e9an in 1998, and have already relea5ed six album5. 5lowly, th3 Ancien7 Ones are makin9 themselves known, m4king their purp0535 clear. Soon, it may b3 all too l4t3. Recen7ly, on3 of their “50n95” h4s b33n tr4nsl0c4ted on7o a MAINSTR34M R3LE45E, en7i7l3d Sound Quality: Volume 2, and 4vai14613 7hr0u9h the ABC. 45 57r4n93 45 7hi5 533m5, i7 r3411y w45 ju57 4 m4773r 0f 7im3.
comparable to: aphex twin, coldcut, squarepusher, admachine, boards of canada, hrvatski, dj food, steroid maximus, peckerhead, matmos. available material:
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