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An Expressively Infinite Distance Within,
and also Around

“Music is an astounding thing. Every single culture which has ever been encountered and remembered by any other culture, has had some form of music and musical expression.
In actual fact musical expression is the norm not the exception when humyn culture is concerned.

Why is it that music is so important to humyn culture, that we take it for granted that music should be a part of our lives and everyday experiences?

Why also is is that music is so moving and potent a source of transmission of humyn experience and emotional condition?

(The information here is only opinion at this stage, it is nothing more than the musings of an interested person. Even so, it seems reasonable to propose a few simple ideas.)

It is suggested then, that one of the most powerful components of the humyn system, is the ability to perceive patterns. It is not just an unbiased perception however. Pattern is an extremely attractive and beautiful thing, as all art globally will attest; there is a great deal of pleasure gained from participating in an expression of humynity, as shown by the unique manner in which humyns choose the patterns which they decide to focus apon, when compared to other animals, including primates and great apes in general.

Of course it is not just humyn patterns which People find to be attractive, for it is one of the more interesting features of the humyn mind that it will find patterns where none exist, so to it will seek out rhythms where there is no sound, for example the ebb and flow of the tides, the changes in the seasons and the complex interrelations between various living things.

All of these patterns and rythyms are fascinating and beautiful.

All things can be represented by any other thing.

This statement is a postulate which relies on the capacity for metaphor in language, the notion that it is possible to represent something by describing it as a totally different other something.

One such metaphor is the art and science of music.

Music is simple to make, and possible to master, even if one has limited resources, due to the fantastic generative capacities of the humyn voice, the sound to which the humyn hearing is most powerfully attuned, in its physical reception capacity.

For all of these reasons it seems that the idea of music should be an integrated and fundamental element of humyn life.

Of course it is true to say that music is fundamental to humyn life, however it takes many different forms, and there are many different attitudes to it in humyn societies.
Even so the basic nature of music as universal to humynity is a generalisable statement, and that the effects of music, are also generalisable, being similar to language, but holding a stronger bias towards emotional expression.

(Of course there is no real reason why one should even draw a distinction between language and music. The boundary between the two extreme ends of the non vocal non humyn music, and the least lyrical most data-oriented continuous multiperson multilogue, holds an expressively infinite distance within, and also around.)”

Go Genre Everything, 2003 (IWML edit 2004)
G. G. E. Central
The Information Superhighway