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approved 'bands'
one of the most popular ‘cartoon-punk-noise bands to appear in the Preston-and-Associated-Regions area like a well-moistened golden-top was LUMP. Standing, of course, for ‘lump ump mump pump, LUMP were a force to be reckoned with; indeed, many did. With a punk drummer, a jazz drummer (from defunct pop band Planet Max), a noise guitarist (from defunct experimental-metal band gLOBALmINDfUCK), a death-metal/cartoon-voice-over frontman (from defunct noise/disturbient band Sooterkin Flesh), a combination vocalist extraordinaire and keyboard prodigy (from defunct prog-pop-space-rock band Plastic Spacemen), and a slap-happy funk bass-meister (from defunct pop band Planet Max), this “band” was sure to please someone. Finding that someone proved no challenge, and LUMP were quickly winning band competitions with their psychedelic punk version of the ‘Emperors Theme (from Star Wars), their increasingly-short crowd-pleaser ‘Five, their death-metal funkfest ‘Chunky for a Punky, and their homage to everybodys favourite superhero, ‘Inimitable Ombudsman. Like all experimental superbands, they ended up splitting over the lack of potential success, the distinct absence of direction or ideas, and the fingery pull of too many other musical pieces of pie. Various ex-members now play in Zanzibar Cob, Cursed, Fuck You God, New Horizons in Violence, Merge into Stripes, [Is]nod, the true POD, and Phonophobic. Occasionally playing tennis live on stage, often cooking the audience toast and muffins, and more-often-than-not engaged in humourous tomfoolery of a visually entertaining nature, LUMP will be hard to forget for those of us who find it all too easy to remember.
comparable to: boredoms, butthole surfers, the fat thing, gLOBALmINDfUCK, naked city, fantomas, plastic spacemen, mr bungle. available material: songs in the key of lump All 'l.u.m.p' albums released through Guitar and Plunger Studios; for purchasing information, feel free to contact |